Monday, March 31, 2014

God Of My Rock

"The God of my rock. In Him will I trust. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my high tower and my refuge, my saviour that saved me from violence."    2Samuel 22:3  KJV

God my foundation, firm soil, unmovable, unchanging -

He holds me.

My trust is His as His mighty hand shields even as the turbulent winds blow.  It is "He who makes the storm a calm".

He restores me.

The author of completeness and perfection. All that I am or will ever be - 
The essence of my very soul.

He so loves me.

Salvation still in this place of refuge standing like an ancient, tall tree.  With a loving embrace He fills with abundant grace.

Standing in His shadow -

He keeps me.

(c) Debi Mason, 2014, Oakland, CA, USA

Friday, March 28, 2014

A crack in the door

A Crack In The Door

He comes to steal joy
That thief in the night
Working under the cover of darkness -
The accuser of our souls slips through
We are unaware 
There is a crack in the door.

Wide enough for him to slither through
He comes to kill spirit
To dim light
With tools of conviction and  lie.
That crack in the door -

One slip of thought
One misstep
Peace that surpasses all understanding,
That crack in the door -

Through that crack in the door
The stench of sin
Heavily flows like a syrupy sweet of days past
A reminder of deliverance
What brought out from
Bought with a price
Sin acknowledged and forgiven.
That crack in the door -

That crack in the door
a reminder that you are a child of the Most High God
whose deliverance is not tenuous unless you let it be so
But is permanent and lasting
as you stand in the shadow of the cross.

With each prayer the light of worldliness grows dim
That crack in the door grows smaller still
With the lifting of prayer for the sick, the sinful, the lost.
Pushing hard against the hugeness of sin that cannot slip through
That crack in the door.

Heavy is this door 
Yet the power of the blood is stronger
One more push
One quick slam in the name of Jesus
And that crack in the door
Is no more.

(c) 2014, Debi Mason, USA

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Repeat after me:

I am not going to sit here today confused and dazed
I am not going to wallow in a sadness that is not real because it has been manufactured by the enemy
I will not think less of myself than what God thinks of me – he calls me friend
I will understand and walk in the fact that He is a rewarder  of them that diligently seek him
I will believe without doubting that if he be for me who can possibly be against me
I understand this day more than any other that I am more than a conquerer
I see clearly the working of my enemy and that I can see that he is a defeated foe and has no power over me
I see clearly that my enemy wants me to be totally self- absorbed that I don’t have time to pray or minister to someone else that is in need of a word from the Lord.
I know without a doubt that the devil is a liar and a great deceiver but he is not and will never be greater than my God who comforts, heals, delivers, protects and blesses his faithful children
      "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  Because I have stated these things and have lifted them up in absolute, total yoke breaking praise, it is so. It is signed, sealed and delivered in Jesus name.

My prayer for you:

God please bless those in the fight today.  Give them the strength to be all that you have called them to be.  May they be healthy, vibrant and full of the joy that you promised in exchange for their devotion and praise and unwavering faith.  May we all prove ourselves comitted to the ministry….to serve in a world that is in desperate need of your love, your light and your mercy.  Dear Lord, thank you for your hand and Holy Ghost power that is upon each of us.  Amen.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

When God Speaks At Twilight ...

When He speaks you better listen.  In the twilight hours hearing God whisper He so loves me.  Hearing and recognizing He has done it. It is not for me to try to figure out how. He did it.  My job is to give Him praise for it!

My life is getting ready to change.  Changing for the better because He said so. What is amazing to me is the end of a journey. Realizing what the bible says is also sure: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 KJV

When the Lord speaks. He tells me that I am about to close a chapter. The confidence in His voice and joy that I am experiencing makes my somewhat weary heart pound with anticipation.  Chapters close others open.  I have the faith to believe this is so.  I trust God enough to know this is so.  All things are possible.

He is the Alpha and the Omega!  He is exactly who He says he is….the beginning and the end.  Yes, my life is getting ready to change.  Some of what I have been praying for, hoping for and believing for is about to come to pass and I do believe it is going to blow my mind! It is going to be bigger and more fantastic than my little brain can comprehend.  Yes, we serve a big God.

Confirmation on what was whispered of things to come.  The time for preparation has ended and we will see the birthing of great ministries flowing from the doors of our churches. Successful businesses among all of the true worshipers will come to be.  The anointing is thick and the oil is raining down. We have waited and cried and have yet praised Him in spite of all of our tears.  The Lord sees.
The time has come for us to lift ourselves up from that prostrate position and step into what He has promised.  The time has come for us all to walk in the newness.  Celebrate His victory over all of our ills and missteps and misfortunes. We already know that He is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all we can ever ask or think.  He has equipped us and the harvest is ripe.

I love twilight hours like this when the Lord speaks.

The Lord speaks as the moon rises.

March 6. 2014
(c) Debi Mason, Oakland, CA, USA