Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Habari gani? KUUMBA (CREATIVITY)! 

“It's impossible to explain creativity. It's like asking a bird, 'How do you fly?' You just do.” - Eric Jerome Dickey (QUOTE OF THE DAY courtesy of

George Washington Carver teaches us all that “No one has a right to come in to the world without leaving behind a distinct and legitimate reason for having passed though it”.

Making a determination to follow my heart more in the coming year.  This is the heart where my creativity blooms and soars.  This is place where I feel whole and smart and a beautifully bold woman of God. My creativity is the source of my strength.

I am determined to witness the truth of the gospel in bold and creative ways this year. It is my call to action. Somebody needs to know what we know.

Painting by Mohamed Fadul of the Sudan
#soulwriter  #whatithoughtwassojustaint   #gracefulaging

Twitter: @DebiOak

What I thought Was So Just Ain’t: Aging through God’s grace (paperback) (Kindle edition)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (NOOK edition)
ISBN-13: 978-0692236475
Release: June, 2014

Arizona Clay: A journey of self-discovery (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781606964880
Release: June, 2009

Sunday, December 28, 2014

UJIMA: Collective Work and Responsibility

UJIMA (OO-GEE-MAH) Collective Work and Responsibility reminds us of our obligation to the past, present and future, and that we have a role to play in the community, society, and world.

UJIMA defines the word community.  This means you are always prepared to help build, strengthen and maintain community together. 

#soulwriter  #whatithoughtwassojustaint   #gracefulaging

Twitter: @DebiOak

What I thought Was So Just Ain’t: Aging through God’s grace (paperback) (Kindle edition)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (NOOK edition)
ISBN-13: 978-0692236475
Release: June, 2014

Arizona Clay: A journey of self-discovery (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781606964880
Release: June, 2009 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Kujichagulia: Self-determination!

Habari gani?  Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)!

Heri za Kwanzaa! Living the Nguzo Saba: The Seven Principals - Kujichagulia (KOO-GEE-CHA-GOO-LEE-YAH) (Self-Determination) requires that we define our common interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of our family and community.

As I live my life out in this, the third chapter, I recognize that I have the ability to make the choices that are right for me. No longer subject to the opinions and ideas of others, the decisions I make are based upon my own preferences, my own interests. 

These preferences and interests include a determination to be all that I can be through the grace of God and live as an example to those in need of the message of the gospel.  I am determined to forge my own path, to define, name and speak for myself through my creativity and I pledge to encourage others to do the same.
In these troubled times, it is necessary that we, as the darker hue, define ourselves and tell our stories as only we can tell them. With determination, I march forward to support the writers, playwrights, directors, producers, actors, technicians, musicians, dancers and visual artists that open the windows upon the black experience in this day and age.  With love I will do what I can to encourage them and I will celebrate their endeavors.

It is time for us to stop being victims of our circumstances but to take charge economically, politically, educationally and spiritually. As we look at ourselves collectively, some have reached this pinnacle of achievement.  However, there are others that have not. If some are lacking than we all are lacking. I will encourage myself to vote when I can, speak openly of our struggles and our positive accomplishments when I can.  I will lead by example as often as possible and use the platform that I have been graced with – I will write and, yes, encourage others to do the same.

Self-Determination does indeed begin with me.  My sense of identity was birthed from my triumph over social obstacles,  'can’t do' spirits, those that love me and others that just don’t get me.  At the end of the day I have given myself permission to be a bold woman of God. I am authentic and, thank God, I have learned the power of self-acceptance.

“Our liberation begins when the truth of our own experiences is admitted to ourselves.” 
Alice Walker, writer
#soulwriter #whatithoughtwassojustaint  #gracefulaging

Books by Debi Mason:

What I Thought Was So Just Ain't - Aging through God's Grace (paperback) (Kindle edition)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (NOOK edition)
ISBN-13: 978-0692236475
Release: June, 2014

Arizona Clay: A journey of self-discovery (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781606964880
Release: June, 2009

Follow me on Twitter:  @DebiOak

Friday, December 26, 2014

Heri za Kwanzaa!

Heri  za Kwanzaa!
Kwanzaa is a time for spiritual reflection, a festive and joyous holiday...a cultural celebration. Kwanzaa has no ties to a particular religion. It is practiced by African people of all faiths, who come together based on their rich, ancient and varied common African heritage. Today, the seven-day observance of the Kwanzaa holiday is celebrated by millions of African-Americans and Africans around the world.

Habari gani?  UMOJA! (Unity)

At this time of racial turmoil, confusion, police brutality and the war on black males in this country it is important that any discussion of race begin with us.  Our young, gifted and black children need to know the truth of who they are more than ever.  They need to know their true history and share in the stories of our  black experience as told in a way that only we can tell it. Youth must be taught, and perhaps many of us need to relearn,  what it means to participate in the betterment of our communities.  The positive messages of today are taught through example in our homes, in our schools, in our places of worship and, importantly, in the media.  Foolishness begets foolishness.  Pride begets pride.

So I will continue to celebrate Kwanzaa in my home and in any public forum available to me. I will continue to seek and strive for unity within my family, in my community including my church, in the nation and in my race.
“At its core, the principle unity is about attachment - attachment to each other and, most importantly, to the values which define us as family, as community and as a people.” – The   Kwanzaa Guide

#soulwriter #whatithoughtwassojustaint  #gracefulaging

Books by Debi Mason:

What I Thought Was So Just Ain't - Aging through God's Grace (paperback) (Kindle edition)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (NOOK edition)
ISBN-13: 978-0692236475
Release: June, 2014

Arizona Clay: A journey of self-discovery (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
ISBN-13: 9781606964880
Release: June, 2009

Follow me on Twitter:  @DebiOak

Friday, December 19, 2014

First and Second Christmas Muse

Madonna & Child by Tim Ashkar
I have been reading lately that if one has set a goal then one needs to do something, one small something, each and every day to move closer to that goal. Lord, what can I do today?  I am cheerful. I am rested. I feel physically good. I am inspired and full of Christmas wonder at your birth into the world.

What can I do in celebration of my own life?  As I celebrate you, Lord, I am reminded that you have kept me all of this time because you love me and you have anointed me with purpose. Of these things I am grateful and find great cause for celebration.

I am so blessed by everything that I have been given.  This has been a phenomenal year.  The enemy of my soul would hav me believe that it wasn’t and that God has done nothing for me and has forgotten about me.  The devil is still a liar. I may have gone through 2 raggedy cars but I promise you there is something better and lasting and greater on the horizon.  Why? Because my daddy said so.  I still don’t know how He is going to do it but, Lord-a-mercy, I know that He is going to. Even if He doesn’t, I know that He is able! My God, has not left me in the dark.  He has indeed brought me into his marvelous light through a great love that He has for me. 

I must be something special. There must be a divine purpose still on my life because I am still here.  I can still get from point A to point B.  I still have courage and I still have the determination to do great things in the Kingdom. There are times lately that I have honestly felt that I am having some kind of writer’s block. That is a lie of the devil, too.  What the Lord wants me to write is right here at my fingertips. The words flow and somebody is listening to ‘thus sayeth the Lord’!  I am grateful that I am God’s instrument to bring something into the world, to contribute to the betterment of the world.  Somebody needs to know.

I used to wonder why it is that I never had children.  Well, at this late date of my life it is all making sense to me. With each thing that I write and everything I do in the Kingdom is indeed like giving birth to yet more life.  Yep, somebody, like I said many years ago, needs to know.  I have known for a long time that this is my purpose and I am glad about it.  I am reveling in it.  I honored that I am loved so greatly as to be given this assignment and I do not take any assignment lightly.

This is such a brilliant and brightly colored time of year….time of my life. I love Christmas and I love me.  For so long I have waited for somebody to give ‘it’ to me.  By ‘it’ I mean to give me permission to do this.  What are you waiting for, my friend?  The only permission you need is God’s permission.  Stop listening to the enemy.  He is whispering that you don’t have purpose, remember?  He is still a liar! Thank you, Lord. Every time I pray, Lord show me….yes, yes, He shows me.
I believe that we all battle with doubt at one time or another.  Sometimes that doubt can flood over us for only a few short days. At other times it can last for days, weeks or maybe years.  It is time to mature enough to look the devil in the eye and walk right past him proclaiming God as the author and finisher of your faith. Proclaim that our risen Savior got up out of the grave. He is the one that healed the sick including you, caused the blind to see, even you and raised the dead even your sin sick soul that was once dead to righteousness and is now dead to sin.  What would happen if you prayed to the God of our salvation and asked for new eyes to see his grace, new heart to feel his mercy and new hands to lift in total praise?  Need a refreshing?  Ask for it, for our heavenly Father withholds nothing from His children.

So where am I at this Christmas?  What am I feeling?  This really isn’t much different than in time past.  I don’t have children to dote on me this holiday – to invite me over for Christmas supper and lay presents at my feet.  Never did.  But I do have the ability to make a Christmas for myself. I am ever mindful of who fills all spaces and that the holes that the enemy would have me believe cannot be filled are full of the Lord’s light and a love that is deeper and longer lasting than any family can give. I have choice.  I can choose to listen to those negative whispers or I can choose to rejoice at the birth of our new born King! My God, what I have is so much more fulfilling than anything that our world could ever fill me with.  I get it!

Because I know this, it does make me feel a little sad for the folks that do not have this revelation.  Question of the hour…how are people making it without knowledge of the Lord? The answer is they are not making it… they are faking it.  How many people do we know, of every background, culture and color that are buying all of the gifts and putting them under the tree, fixing more food that humanly possible to enjoy yet are sitting around with unresolved issues, secrets, mess, animosities under cover, darkness…. These are those that don’t get Christmas and its divine meaning.

Lord, I pray that you will open those doors for me to tell somebody about what I know.  I may not know all there is in the Word of God but I do know that I am loved and cared for by the Lamb of God. Everyday can bring unexpected surprises.  Some good and some not so good.  This is just the way of life.  How I react to this is what really makes me saved. Do I trust God? I mean do I really believe that He is in control? Do I really know what it means when the Word says that He is all powerful, all knowing, all caring?  He will supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory and according to the power that works in me.  

I have the power of the blood of Jesus coursing through my veins.  The blood that He bled upon Calvary and on the cross is in me and all over me. I walk in His grace and I have been washed clean by this very same blood. I too, have to ask whoever thought I could walk this walk?  Whoever thought I would be in love with the Lord the way that I am in love with the Lord and know without a doubt that I am loved in return?  I love this time of my life.  I give you praise Lord. I give you honor. I am still here celebrating yet another Christmas.

Earlier this morning I was reading something that said that this is a perfect opportunity to spend time in the presence of the Lord. This is time to ask the Lord to bring me closer to Him.  Yes, this is true.  I can feel His embrace right now as I write this.  I am so thrilled and blessed that what is said is so very true: He will never leave you or forsake you.  He is faithful even when I get wrapped up in my own stinking thinking.

Walk with me Lord. The Lord loves to walk and talk to His people.  Remember how it says that in the garden He walked with Adam in the cool of the day?  He walked with Enoch, Moses, Abraham, Jeremiah, Noah, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and all of His Apostles. God loves to walk and talk with His people.  Am I any different? He is there to give me guidance and comfort and all of the love that I will ever need.

Help me to spread good tidings and good cheer this holiday season. I am full this very morning.  I feel his mercy and his grace bubbling up in me, flowing from eyes, quickening my heart.  I really could shout right now.  The Lord is just that good to me.  Help me Lord. Open a door this very day. Perhaps let someone read this and be deeply touched because it comes from your grace that these words have made it to paper.  Somebody needs to know.

Christmas is indeed a special time of year.  It has always signaled a new beginning to me even before I was saved.  Yes, Christmas is a new start.  The bible says about the new birth – old things have passed away and we are new creatures.  Time to thank God for new mercies and second, third and umpteen hundreds of chances.  What a better time to do this than oat the celebration of His birth into humanity. The joy within us that we are feeling is only because of his love and his faithfulness. It starts at this time of the year. Christmas. The journey toward the cross begins this day. The bible says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that we may have life and life more abundantly. If there was no birth there would be no crucifixion. There would be no blood to wash us white as snow. We would still be under the law and would still rely on a man to carry our sin beyond the veil in hopes that we would be forgiven.  But Jesus.  He is our High Priest.  He is our mediator.  We can come boldly to the throne of grace and lay our cares at the alter to be dealt with by the only living God….Jesus.  How can someone not find joy in this? 

Christ is the Lord and I will forever praise him. 

#soulwriter  #aginggracefully #whatithoughtwassojustain't
Debi Mason, Author
Twitter: @DebiOak

What I thought Was So Just Ain’t: Aging through God’s grace (paperback) (Kindle edition)
Barnes & Noble (paperback)
Barnes & Noble (NOOK edition)
ISBN-13: 978-0692236475
Release: June, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

When our name is called in glory, tell them we'll be there

Happy Birthday, Ethel Waters!

"I guess singing is the traditional outlet for the colored people. The very thing that is paramount in my mind I can find expression for in just humming a song. But, of course, there is solid prayer for other things in my mind. Oh, I can get angry and curse a little (of course, the Lord look the other way). I don't take the Lord's name in vain, don't get that idea. But I have a vocabulary without the Lord's name that could raise the roof. You understand what I'm saying, sugar?" -- Ethel Waters, October 31, 1896 - September 1, 1977

We've been talking a lot lately about going back to the basics of our faith walk and the basic foundation of our praise. Personally, I can't move forward without acknowledging those that stood flatfooted in the faith long before this lost soul was found.

In the forefront of my memory are women like my grandmother, Susy Oby who kept the faith in spite of the hardships of the Great Depression, racism and poverty. My mother, who kept us shielded as best she could from the ravages of racism and segregation before the civil rights movement in the late fifties and early sixties when we black folks finally discovered that we were not only descendants from slaves but also descended from the kings and queens of motherland, Africa.

Then there are the mighty oaks like Ethel Waters, Fannie Lou Hammer, Barbara Jordan and countless, others.  The thing that strings all of these women of a darker hue together is their faith in the God of their creation.  Not one of them was ever ashamed to declare their faith in front of thousands from every walk of life, every culture and every nation across the globe.  This is a basic tenant of our christian belief -- the Great Commission.  The bible says that we are to share the gospel to all nations. This they did and are remembered and revered to this day because of. Whatever platform that was AVAILABLE TO THEM whether pulpit, arena stage or soapbox, they all shared the good news of the Word of God.

Most of us today do not really know Ethel Waters aside from being the fast talking, foot stomping jazz singer, chocolate beauty of the twenties and thirties or the "last mama on the couch" refugee for which she garnered an Academy Award nomination.  Most folks don't know that she had a reputation for being hard to get along with because she never learned to compromise her identity as a strong and mighty bold woman of God.  No one really understood that she was the child born from the rape of her twelve year old mother or that she never really had a home or that she "raised myself", as she puts it.  In spite of it all, Ethel Waters never wavered in her faith.

Whether it be in movies, on television or on the public stage she embodied what it means to be ready in season and out of season. through her numerable requests for public appearances, large or small, she did her best to meet her obligations and share that thing that she knew best, the name of the Lord is a strong tower. 

She traveled with the Billy Graham Crusade for many years up until her death in 1977. Here is a clip of a Crusade appearance 2 years before her death.

Dear Lord:  I pray with conviction that I, too, will get up every morning ready and able to do thy will. I pray that you will put people in my path that I can witness to and share the gospel with as so many of the women that went before me.  All I ask, dear Lord, is that you order my steps to walk only in the direction that you want me to go, bridle my tongue to speak the words that you want me to speak; words of encouragement and comfort to those in need whether poor or rich, the influential or the lesser known.  Let me, Lord, live up to the legacy of those that have gone before and thereby letting me leave a lasting legacy to those that come after.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

#gracefulaging #soulwriter #whatithoughtwassojustaint

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Level Up!

God said it.  I heard it and I am obedient to His will.  

Studying this word obedience I started examining the story of Abraham when he was directed by God to sacrifice his son Isaac.

The bible says that faith without works is dead. The bible gives clear examples of those that used their works and their great faith to accomplish great things. I believe that Abraham must have been grieved deeply but his love for God propelled him to go forth with his son to the place of sacrifice. 

His love for God was so deep that he carried with him the proper knife and even had his son help him gather wood for the alter. He went up that mountain prepared to do a work for the Lord!. 

The sacrifice. What was he willing to sacrifice for the Lord?  What thing was he willing to give up to prove his love for God?  Without a doubt, Abraham loved his son and this was the hardest decision he ever had to make. I cannot imagine that painful journey up a steep cliff  knowing that the joy he found in his son would be no more after that day.  How tough must it had been for him to envision that terrible swipe of the knife, the blood and the smell of burning flesh.  But his love of God propelled him forward.

We know that Abraham's story did not end here.  We also know that God stayed his hand in time before the deed could be done.  We know that God saw Abraham’s love for his son and honored his willingness to sacrifice everything for God out of shear obedience.  It wasn’t as though he could see into the future that he did it.  He couldn’t see what the Lord’s plan was for him after this sacrifice.  He really didn’t have a motive aside for his love of the Lord and because God said so.

So here is Abraham and Isaac climbing that steep mountain, feet slipping on jagged rock, carrying a heavy parcel of sticks and wood and everything else that was needed to make a sacrifice.  Did you ever think about how long this must have taken?  Did they stop and rest at some point?  Did they rest in the cool shade for lunch?  The bible doesn’t clearly say but Abraham being a human being with human thoughts probably did not want to stop and think about what he was doing because if he did his own thinking would have gotten in the way and he would have found some excuse to not do as God had commanded.  He would have talked himself right on out of it and subsequently followed his own fleshly desire.

Isaac had to be wondering all this time where is the sacrifice.  He even asked his father, I  am sure more than once,  "Where is the sacrifice, father?" All that Abraham would say to his son was God will provide. Over and over again he would say God will provide. Isaac being the good son that he was just kept climbing on.  He followed after his father because he was an obedient son.

Realize that this journey toward the place of sacrifice was not only about THE sacrifice it was about positioning Abraham toward the fulfillment of a much larger purpose.  He was to be and is the father of many nations. God had to pull him up a little further in preparation for this magnificent assignment.  This was Abraham's time of testing and strengthening and cleansing.

Abraham needed to be put in position to receive God's favor which is to fulfill the call on his life according to God's purpose and divine plan. In the process of climbing that mountain to the place of sacrifice or purpose God needed to raise him up spiritually to new heights and levels.

All of us are given assignments and purpose in the Kingdom of God.  He has so much more to accomplish through each and every one of us.  He needs for us , however, to seek, listen and obey.  God needs for us to follow HIS plan to reach the goal that He has set before us.

So, I am sitting and writing all of this and I hear that small voice that I have come to know. God spoke this morning and said simply "START PACKING!"  Like Abraham I don't really understand why nor where or even if. All I know is that I love God. When He speaks I listen and obey. I am reading the bible and seeking. The bible does say to seek ye first the Kingdom. As an act of sacrifice I am physically 'climbing a mountain' and I am packing boxes and getting rid of stuff.  Don't know about you but I can no longer afford to have my stuff weigh me down. Traveling light. Moving on. Level up!

Again, the bible gives clear examples of those that used their works and their great faith to accomplish great things. They received wisdom, understanding and much favor (Yep. You got it....a ram in the bush!). Abraham, Ruth, Deborah and many more, all sought God, listened to instruction and acted upon what they had been taught.

Seek, listen and obey. Amen.

Image credit: favored 1

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Beautifully Broken ....

Painting:  Beautifuly Broken by Rufus Faulk

Today I am feeling an discomfort within my heart of hearts.  I am uncomfortable and feel as though there is a shaking going on within my spirit. 

Dear Lord Jesus, you are the father of all, the creator of all, the controller of all.  You are my heart, my soul and my strength.  You know what needs to be done here.  I am completely blind as to what to do, where to go or what to be.  Deep within, I know that you do and so I come to you now. 

Ok, ok, ok ... knowing you, Lord, the way that I do, knowing your voice the way that I have come to know your voice,  I hear you. "This is exactly the place that you are supposed to be.  This is called trust and a deepening of your faith." Yep, it's a test.

Please forgive my impatience.  Your timing is not my timing. Please forgive my sense of frustration because I know that this is a sign that I am not trusting you to deliver me as you have done time and time again. Forgive my anger because that signals that there are unresolved forgiveness issues lurking in my spirit.

Just who exactly am I angry at?  I am not angry at you Lord because you led me to this place of revelation and given me a desire to come closer to you.  I can’t be angry at you because I know that it was nobody but you that brought out of the land of Egypt without asking for anything in return but my devotion to your will and your way.  Please help me to be less like the chosen people that wasted so much time complaining that they could not see the blessing of freedom that they were given. 

If I am angry, I am asking that you deliver me now in your precious name, Jesus.  Cover me with your blood and wash me clean of any and all sin and iniquity.  Relieve me today of this burden.  

Whoa! I can feel you right now with me.  I feel the Holy Ghost.  Lord, I love you.  When I call you come running.  When I need you, I can just turn my head, think a certain thought and you are there. I can declare that I cannot operate, do or think without you and I can feel you.  Dear sweet Jesus forgive me for not seeing from time to time.

I ask you Lord to deliver me from being angry at self and to realize that this is indeed a trick of the enemy.  He is trying to keep me discouraged and upset about it all when there really is no need to be.  The devil is making an attempt to blackmail me with an old life, a past that I have been delivered from. He is doing his best to make me feel bad about a life of incompleteness and failure that I have already been delivered from. The slate has been wiped clean by the blood, by the grace of God, by the Holy Ghost that dwells in me. I am indeed a new creature created to follow, obey and work in the Kingdom of God.  I preach the gospel and lead others toward what I have found in God’s loving embrace.
The truth of the matter is that I am feeling like a whining child that can’t have what I want when I want.  Today I am really feeling beautifully broken. Jesus, this is such a period of minimal trust. Thank you for giving me new eyes to see. Strengthen me now, Lord.  I know you hear me.  Strengthen me now to rely upon you completely.  Continue to move me out of your way so that you may increase within me.  So that I can be all that you have purposed me to be.  I am your champion.  I am a strong soldier in your divine army.  I am that prayer warrior, that Evangelist that writes the words that you direct me to write for your people.  I am your messenger.  Today I am beautiful. Today I am broken. Today is the day you put the pieces back together again.

So, I have said all of this to say:

The devil is a liar. There is no truth in him.

#soulwriter, #gracefulaging, #whatithoughtwassojustaint

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Case For Attending Bible Study ...

We have to first remember that there is no command requiring that a congregation hold a Bible study on Wednesday night. Churches are to teach its members, which is implied in Ephesians 4:11 when we are told that one of the roles in the church is that of a teacher. However, the method of instruction and the time of instruction is not defined. By tradition churches have held Bible studies on Wednesday nights. It is not a bad tradition, in fact I think it is a very useful one, but we must not elevate an expedience to fulfilling God's command to teach to the level of a command in and of itself.

Different congregations will select different methods to fulfill the commands that God has given. For example, I know of congregations who choose to meet once on Sunday. Generally because their members drive long distances or they are in the middle of dairy country where multiple services on one day is rough for the farmers. I know some who meet twice on Sunday, but Sunday night's gathering is for Bible study. I know of a congregation that holds Bible studies nearly every night of the week. They ask their members to attend at least one (different topics are offered each night). All of these methods fulfill the command to the church to teach its members.

So let's turn the question around a bit. When a congregation decides to offer instruction to its members on week night in order to fulfill its duty to teach its members, do the members get to treat that time as optional? Doesn't it seem strange that a church would have a requirement to teach its members, but the members can treat that instruction as optional?

I've noticed over the years that lack of attendance is a symptom of serious problems in a person's life. You rarely find a strong Christian missing any opportunity to gather with fellow Christians, but you usually find weak Christians absent. The passage in Hebrews tells us why, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:23-25). Strong Christians understand the need for encouragement. They won't let an opportunity pass them by to get and receive it. Weak Christians waver in their hope because they aren't being strengthened by being with their brethren. They lack the zeal necessary to finish the race.

Consider the early Christians. "Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. ... So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart" (Acts 2:41-42, 46). How often did the early Christians get together with their brethren? How often do we? Who, then, displays a stronger faith and love for God?

But therein lays the core of the problem. People are skipping out on opportunities to learn about God and to be with His people. It is an attitude problem. If the attitude was fixed, the lack of attendance would not be nearly so bad. It is here that I think most of us miss the solution. We focus on the physical thing that we can see -- not showing up at Bible studies -- and completely misses the problem that needs to be fixed. There is a spiritual problem because love has gone cold. What is needed is someone to fan the flames. Someone to get people excited about being a Christian.

Some of it is the church's fault. I've visited a number of congregations whose idea of Bible class is the most boring learning experience I have ever seen. People come out of shear stubbornness and not because they know they will receive benefits from being there that day. I've seen others, usually involving young people, where the gathering is nothing but fun and games. No Bible is taught. God's word is only mentioned in vague terms. And again, people leave without receiving benefits for being there. Churches need to get back to their duties. They exist as avenues for people to gather and worship God and to teach God's people. "I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (I Timothy 3:15). The church exists to hold up the truth to the world and to support it by the behavior of its members.

Do I think that people won't make it to heaven because they don't attend Bible studies? No. I think that people who don't attend Bible studies won't make it to heaven because they don't love being a child of God.

Jeffrey W. Hamilton

La Vista Church of Christ, Nebraska

Monday, September 8, 2014

File: Things I Wish I Wrote

Thy will Be Done ...

-     I have not finished yet.
She closes her eyes and looks up.

Grief and resentment, I replace with
understanding and agreement.
Revolt, I replace with music that comes from my
Pain I replace with oblivion.
Revenge, I replace with victory.

I will be able to love above all discontentment.
To give even when I am stripped of everything.
To work happily even when I find myself in the
midst of all obstacles.
To dry tears even when I am still crying.
To believe even when I am discredited.

She opens her eyes, puts her hands on her head
And says with an authority that comes from above:

-     Thy will be done. Thy will be done.

Taken from “Aleph”, by Paulo Coelho

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Quiet Obedience

Someone said to me just yesterday that there is no need to be upset about what is happening in this country in regard to the government, the police, anarchist and discourse, disturbance and the like.  She went on to state that what we need to do is pray.  At the time I had to huff up for a moment and think that although it be true that we must pray for the people and our country, we as a nation of black folk must rally, stand up and loudly proclaim that what is going on in all of our major cities and in Ferguson is unacceptable.

The militant side of me screams that we must stand shoulder to shoulder and do whatever is necessary until change happens in this country in regard to our young black men being killed at the hands of a militarized police force, each other or even in a prison system that is designed to kill a spirit and break a mind.

Ok, in my quiet moments I reflected on what she was trying to say.  The bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

With that said it is time to stop the insanity on all fronts by any means necessary.  When I say all fronts I mean the the brutal murder of our strong black men by the police in our communities, black on black crime, gang wars, drugs, child abuse and the sexual exploitation of and the violence against women. By any means necessary I mean that it is time for us to fully exercise the power that works in us – the power of Jesus Christ – the power of the Holy Ghost.

There is a storm raging in every village, hamlet and neighborhood across this country.  Somebody is mad about something or just plain mad in general but nothing we can do in our mortal flesh will calm that storm the way Jesus can. 

Mark 4: 37-41  37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?
Revelation:  we cannot do what we do in church – teach and preach a gospel  of peace and understanding and protest, march, fight and riot outside of church. The bible says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:8  Either we hold fast to our faith in Jesus Christ and the power of His might or we don’t.  This does not mean that we are passive because I do not believe that in any way,  shape or form my prayers are passive.  I am radical for Christ by all means and know who it is that I serve.  We can move a mountains with the understanding that the most powerful tool we have against injustice is prayer.  The fence we build as protection against the wilds of the enemy are sure when built through the unction of the Holy Ghost. The same is true with the spiritual warfare that we must wage now more than ever.  We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in high places.  These issues with our young black men are spiritual issues and we as prayer warriors must gird up and fight in that manner.

Ask me if I am going to protest or march through the streets. MY answer is a resoundingly loud no. God has called me to fight on my knees. So, in quiet obedience that will I do.

Read and heed the Word of Lord. Some 50 years later, here we sit. Not much has changed so it must be time for Revolutionary Prayer.

Nina Simone - REVOLUTION, 1969

Langston Hughes, Nina Simone, 1976