Thursday, August 14, 2014


in·teg·ri·ty       noun \in-ˈte-grə-tē\
A word that has been rolling around in my head for several days is the word INTEGRITY.  Webster’s defines the word as being in an unimpaired condition or soundness of mind, the state of being complete or undivided.  It further states that integrity is the firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values:  incorruptibility.  All of this sounds good but it begs the question how do people really see me?  Do they see me as a bold woman of God,  full of INTEGRITY, sold out for Christ, walking and talking what I believe?

Here is the key.  There are many people watching your every move whether you think so or not.  I don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about other's opinions. Doing so makes one quite crazy, incomplete with a divided mind not to mention easily swayed.  But I am aware that there are people watching to see if what I profess as my faith makes a difference in my life.

12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
1 Peter 2:12  KJV

It was pointed out to me some years ago that people don’t take just a passing glance in your direction but they generally take a long hard look to see if our behavior matches your belief.  Folks want to know if that same holiness I display on Sunday carries over into the week when I am not in church.  In other words, they are looking to see if I have integrity. 

29 The way of the Lord is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.
Proverbs 10:29 KJV

People with integrity:

Have nothing to hide
Have nothing to fear
Know how to keep their eyes on Christ – the model of integrity
Know that integrity is the hallmark of their Christian walk – they walk the walk and talk the talk
Are honest and of good report
Know themselves and have a clear vision as to what is good for them and what is not – in other words, they know how to flee from situations that can cause them to stumble
They own their mistakes and short comings (a mature mind knows how to not blame someone else for something they did or did not do)
Recognize that yielding to those in authority is not a sign of weakness but a genuine sign of self- control - “my way or the highway” does not fit every situation
Know that their word is their bond and they stand for what is right at ALL times
They don’t ask why is this happening but ask God what they are to learn from it

Remember “The whole world is watching”.  I pray that my own integrity will be strengthened as I am tested in this area daily. As people watch me, I pray that my character matches my confession and that I will be a witness for Christ in all things that I do.  Do you have enough integrity to trust the Lord and lean not to your own understanding?  Seriously?

©Debi Mason, 2014, Oakland, CA, USA  Reference: What do people see in you? By Rick Ezell, 2005
#aginggracefully  #soulwriter   #whatithoughtwassojustaint

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