Friday, October 31, 2014

When our name is called in glory, tell them we'll be there

Happy Birthday, Ethel Waters!

"I guess singing is the traditional outlet for the colored people. The very thing that is paramount in my mind I can find expression for in just humming a song. But, of course, there is solid prayer for other things in my mind. Oh, I can get angry and curse a little (of course, the Lord look the other way). I don't take the Lord's name in vain, don't get that idea. But I have a vocabulary without the Lord's name that could raise the roof. You understand what I'm saying, sugar?" -- Ethel Waters, October 31, 1896 - September 1, 1977

We've been talking a lot lately about going back to the basics of our faith walk and the basic foundation of our praise. Personally, I can't move forward without acknowledging those that stood flatfooted in the faith long before this lost soul was found.

In the forefront of my memory are women like my grandmother, Susy Oby who kept the faith in spite of the hardships of the Great Depression, racism and poverty. My mother, who kept us shielded as best she could from the ravages of racism and segregation before the civil rights movement in the late fifties and early sixties when we black folks finally discovered that we were not only descendants from slaves but also descended from the kings and queens of motherland, Africa.

Then there are the mighty oaks like Ethel Waters, Fannie Lou Hammer, Barbara Jordan and countless, others.  The thing that strings all of these women of a darker hue together is their faith in the God of their creation.  Not one of them was ever ashamed to declare their faith in front of thousands from every walk of life, every culture and every nation across the globe.  This is a basic tenant of our christian belief -- the Great Commission.  The bible says that we are to share the gospel to all nations. This they did and are remembered and revered to this day because of. Whatever platform that was AVAILABLE TO THEM whether pulpit, arena stage or soapbox, they all shared the good news of the Word of God.

Most of us today do not really know Ethel Waters aside from being the fast talking, foot stomping jazz singer, chocolate beauty of the twenties and thirties or the "last mama on the couch" refugee for which she garnered an Academy Award nomination.  Most folks don't know that she had a reputation for being hard to get along with because she never learned to compromise her identity as a strong and mighty bold woman of God.  No one really understood that she was the child born from the rape of her twelve year old mother or that she never really had a home or that she "raised myself", as she puts it.  In spite of it all, Ethel Waters never wavered in her faith.

Whether it be in movies, on television or on the public stage she embodied what it means to be ready in season and out of season. through her numerable requests for public appearances, large or small, she did her best to meet her obligations and share that thing that she knew best, the name of the Lord is a strong tower. 

She traveled with the Billy Graham Crusade for many years up until her death in 1977. Here is a clip of a Crusade appearance 2 years before her death.

Dear Lord:  I pray with conviction that I, too, will get up every morning ready and able to do thy will. I pray that you will put people in my path that I can witness to and share the gospel with as so many of the women that went before me.  All I ask, dear Lord, is that you order my steps to walk only in the direction that you want me to go, bridle my tongue to speak the words that you want me to speak; words of encouragement and comfort to those in need whether poor or rich, the influential or the lesser known.  Let me, Lord, live up to the legacy of those that have gone before and thereby letting me leave a lasting legacy to those that come after.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

#gracefulaging #soulwriter #whatithoughtwassojustaint

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Level Up!

God said it.  I heard it and I am obedient to His will.  

Studying this word obedience I started examining the story of Abraham when he was directed by God to sacrifice his son Isaac.

The bible says that faith without works is dead. The bible gives clear examples of those that used their works and their great faith to accomplish great things. I believe that Abraham must have been grieved deeply but his love for God propelled him to go forth with his son to the place of sacrifice. 

His love for God was so deep that he carried with him the proper knife and even had his son help him gather wood for the alter. He went up that mountain prepared to do a work for the Lord!. 

The sacrifice. What was he willing to sacrifice for the Lord?  What thing was he willing to give up to prove his love for God?  Without a doubt, Abraham loved his son and this was the hardest decision he ever had to make. I cannot imagine that painful journey up a steep cliff  knowing that the joy he found in his son would be no more after that day.  How tough must it had been for him to envision that terrible swipe of the knife, the blood and the smell of burning flesh.  But his love of God propelled him forward.

We know that Abraham's story did not end here.  We also know that God stayed his hand in time before the deed could be done.  We know that God saw Abraham’s love for his son and honored his willingness to sacrifice everything for God out of shear obedience.  It wasn’t as though he could see into the future that he did it.  He couldn’t see what the Lord’s plan was for him after this sacrifice.  He really didn’t have a motive aside for his love of the Lord and because God said so.

So here is Abraham and Isaac climbing that steep mountain, feet slipping on jagged rock, carrying a heavy parcel of sticks and wood and everything else that was needed to make a sacrifice.  Did you ever think about how long this must have taken?  Did they stop and rest at some point?  Did they rest in the cool shade for lunch?  The bible doesn’t clearly say but Abraham being a human being with human thoughts probably did not want to stop and think about what he was doing because if he did his own thinking would have gotten in the way and he would have found some excuse to not do as God had commanded.  He would have talked himself right on out of it and subsequently followed his own fleshly desire.

Isaac had to be wondering all this time where is the sacrifice.  He even asked his father, I  am sure more than once,  "Where is the sacrifice, father?" All that Abraham would say to his son was God will provide. Over and over again he would say God will provide. Isaac being the good son that he was just kept climbing on.  He followed after his father because he was an obedient son.

Realize that this journey toward the place of sacrifice was not only about THE sacrifice it was about positioning Abraham toward the fulfillment of a much larger purpose.  He was to be and is the father of many nations. God had to pull him up a little further in preparation for this magnificent assignment.  This was Abraham's time of testing and strengthening and cleansing.

Abraham needed to be put in position to receive God's favor which is to fulfill the call on his life according to God's purpose and divine plan. In the process of climbing that mountain to the place of sacrifice or purpose God needed to raise him up spiritually to new heights and levels.

All of us are given assignments and purpose in the Kingdom of God.  He has so much more to accomplish through each and every one of us.  He needs for us , however, to seek, listen and obey.  God needs for us to follow HIS plan to reach the goal that He has set before us.

So, I am sitting and writing all of this and I hear that small voice that I have come to know. God spoke this morning and said simply "START PACKING!"  Like Abraham I don't really understand why nor where or even if. All I know is that I love God. When He speaks I listen and obey. I am reading the bible and seeking. The bible does say to seek ye first the Kingdom. As an act of sacrifice I am physically 'climbing a mountain' and I am packing boxes and getting rid of stuff.  Don't know about you but I can no longer afford to have my stuff weigh me down. Traveling light. Moving on. Level up!

Again, the bible gives clear examples of those that used their works and their great faith to accomplish great things. They received wisdom, understanding and much favor (Yep. You got it....a ram in the bush!). Abraham, Ruth, Deborah and many more, all sought God, listened to instruction and acted upon what they had been taught.

Seek, listen and obey. Amen.

Image credit: favored 1

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Beautifully Broken ....

Painting:  Beautifuly Broken by Rufus Faulk

Today I am feeling an discomfort within my heart of hearts.  I am uncomfortable and feel as though there is a shaking going on within my spirit. 

Dear Lord Jesus, you are the father of all, the creator of all, the controller of all.  You are my heart, my soul and my strength.  You know what needs to be done here.  I am completely blind as to what to do, where to go or what to be.  Deep within, I know that you do and so I come to you now. 

Ok, ok, ok ... knowing you, Lord, the way that I do, knowing your voice the way that I have come to know your voice,  I hear you. "This is exactly the place that you are supposed to be.  This is called trust and a deepening of your faith." Yep, it's a test.

Please forgive my impatience.  Your timing is not my timing. Please forgive my sense of frustration because I know that this is a sign that I am not trusting you to deliver me as you have done time and time again. Forgive my anger because that signals that there are unresolved forgiveness issues lurking in my spirit.

Just who exactly am I angry at?  I am not angry at you Lord because you led me to this place of revelation and given me a desire to come closer to you.  I can’t be angry at you because I know that it was nobody but you that brought out of the land of Egypt without asking for anything in return but my devotion to your will and your way.  Please help me to be less like the chosen people that wasted so much time complaining that they could not see the blessing of freedom that they were given. 

If I am angry, I am asking that you deliver me now in your precious name, Jesus.  Cover me with your blood and wash me clean of any and all sin and iniquity.  Relieve me today of this burden.  

Whoa! I can feel you right now with me.  I feel the Holy Ghost.  Lord, I love you.  When I call you come running.  When I need you, I can just turn my head, think a certain thought and you are there. I can declare that I cannot operate, do or think without you and I can feel you.  Dear sweet Jesus forgive me for not seeing from time to time.

I ask you Lord to deliver me from being angry at self and to realize that this is indeed a trick of the enemy.  He is trying to keep me discouraged and upset about it all when there really is no need to be.  The devil is making an attempt to blackmail me with an old life, a past that I have been delivered from. He is doing his best to make me feel bad about a life of incompleteness and failure that I have already been delivered from. The slate has been wiped clean by the blood, by the grace of God, by the Holy Ghost that dwells in me. I am indeed a new creature created to follow, obey and work in the Kingdom of God.  I preach the gospel and lead others toward what I have found in God’s loving embrace.
The truth of the matter is that I am feeling like a whining child that can’t have what I want when I want.  Today I am really feeling beautifully broken. Jesus, this is such a period of minimal trust. Thank you for giving me new eyes to see. Strengthen me now, Lord.  I know you hear me.  Strengthen me now to rely upon you completely.  Continue to move me out of your way so that you may increase within me.  So that I can be all that you have purposed me to be.  I am your champion.  I am a strong soldier in your divine army.  I am that prayer warrior, that Evangelist that writes the words that you direct me to write for your people.  I am your messenger.  Today I am beautiful. Today I am broken. Today is the day you put the pieces back together again.

So, I have said all of this to say:

The devil is a liar. There is no truth in him.

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