Saturday, June 9, 2012

One of dem dayz!

I am not a particular fan of days like today, you know.
One of dem dayz
That spied reflection sure gave me a start
But I'm glad to be breathing and gotta beating heart.
Why in the name of Jesus did I get out of the bed
Is the only thing rolling around in this head

One of dem dayz
Watch my lips somebody
I'm just curious
Seems mighty mysterious
Everybody still looking the same
Hey, what's your name?
but ain't nobody gettin' wid it
Is what I'm sayin' really all that lame?
(Said hello and you would have thought I spat on the person's feet.
Humph!  Made we want to take my friendly little gesture back in a heartbeat.)

One of dem dayz
This day, this time, this time
I just don't seem to fit
Feel like I'm about to fall in some dark pit
and speaking of feet -
Lord, have mercy,
All run over and molded to a strangers toes
Whose shoes are these walking on this unrecognized dusty road.

Saturday night quiet

Don’t give up: Saturday night quiet

Don’t give up, the song says.  There’s a place that you belong.  Rest your head - you worry too much.  There will be times when things get rough.  Just don’t give up.

Move on to another time, another town? Finding it hard to settle down?  Just don’t give up.  You are not the only one.  There is no reason to be ashamed.  “You still have us”, they holla.  “It is not as it seems.  We are proud of who you are.  Just don’t give up.”  It has never been easy.  Don’t give up no matter what you do.  Believe there is place for you.  

Don’t give up.  Whatever you do don’t give up.  Never thought that you could fail.  You changed your fate.  You changed your name.  It seems as though nobody wants you when you lose.  Don’t give up,  you are not beaten yet.  You can’t lose…no, not this time.

Don’t give up you still have him.  He don’t need much of anything.  Just your faith and your love.  Don’t give up because somewhere there is a place where you belong.

The times are moving fast now….near the end of this road.  It has been hard and yes the tears followed but always hear, don’t give up.  Rest your head. You worry too much.  Don’t give up oh please don’t give up.  Your time is close and your blessing is standing there.  Here is your  bridge. It is waiting for you to cross. 

Don’t give up.  You still have him.  He is proud of who you are.  It has never been an easy road.  Just don’t give up.  Believe there is a place where you belong.  Don’t run just stand. Fight.  Peace be still.  Peace be still.  Don’t give up.  Don’t give up.

Things are never as they seem.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day is March 8, 2012

Celebrating the voices of those that came before us.  Those that stood and created the foundation upon which this bold, black woman of God stands!  Celebrating my woman-ness today.  Holding firm to the hands of those that will come after. 
Sojourner Truth,  1797-1883

Ain't I A Woman

That man over there say
     a woman needs to be helped into carriages
and lifted over ditches
     and to have the best place everywhere.
Nobody ever helped me into carriages
   or over mud puddles
      or gives me a best place. . .

And ain't I a woman?
     Look at me
Look at my arm!
     I have plowed and planted
and gathered into barns
     and no man could head me. . .
And ain't I a woman?
   I could work as much
and eat as much as a man--
   when I could get to it--
and bear the lash as well
   and ain't I a woman?
I have born 13 children
     and seen most all sold into slavery
and when I cried out a mother's grief
     none but Jesus heard me. . .
and ain't I a woman?
     that little man in black there say
a woman can't have as much rights as a man
     cause Christ wasn't a woman
Where did your Christ come from?
     From God and a woman!
Man had nothing to do with him!
     If the first woman God ever made
was strong enough to turn the world
     upside down, all alone
together women ought to be able to turn it
     rightside up again.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Is....

I had the nerve not long ago to ask God to give me an understanding of love.  I’m not kidding.  Love always seemed so elusive to me. Something that I admired from afar and never understood.  And I thought in my child mind that God was going to bring into my midst one of the most loving and caring relationships I had ever experienced.  He did but not the way I was thinking at the time. 

Well, God in His wisdom and true love for me brought to my attention that the opposite of evil is still love, the opposite of fear is still love, the opposite of hate is still love and we as human beings have an incredible capacity for both.  For the first time in my life I am keeping my mouth shut and my eyes wide open. I am witnessing story after story of hope, compassion, love and courage, valor and victory and that wee small voice says to me still…love this. 

God is telling me in no uncertain terms that love is and has always been all around and through me.  Jesus is the love I had been searching for.   The most complete and everlasting love.  That kind of love that makes you want to scream and shout and tell the world from the roof tops….”I love!”  The kind of love that makes you laugh out loud and sometimes even quietly giggle.  And cry tears of an absolute joy that cannot be put into mortal words.  That kind of real thing love.  And I’ve had it all along right here.

Love is….

Love is, at the risk of sounding corny, a sunset over the ocean and God’s way of saying thank you for being His obedient servant this day.  For I truly believe that when you can appreciate the red and gold and purple and blue of a perfect sunset you understand that there is really a God that loves you. 

Love is…

Love is the sound of a baby’s laughter.  The child can’t even say his own name yet he already knows how to laugh out loud. Is it just me or doesn’t it make you wonder..…did he learn how to do that in heaven? 

Love is….

Love is that old soldier that stands on the corner with a sign that claims his veteran status and his homelessness.  I give him a couple of quarters every time I see him and I don’t even think that he might be using those quarters to buy a beer.  It is that look on his face when I tell him that Jesus loves him and I  know that I have made his day just a little bit easier and I have planted a seed and that is all that matters. 

Love is…

Love is looking in the mirror and understanding for the first time in your life that God does not make mistakes and that you are truly wonderfully and perfectly made.

Love is…

Love is coming to the understanding that not only is this the greatest story ever told but it is also the greatest love ever to be experienced.  Jesus….the same yesterday, today and forever. 

Love is.

Love is looking at the shining faces of two young people that can’t seem to look at each other without smiling that kind of smile that says that there is a secret that only they know.  A smile that says that they know how to sit quietly together without saying a word yet volumes are spoken between them.  A touch of a hand and plans are made and a future is established.  A twinkle in the eye becomes a declaration that says…”come let us grow old gracefully together.” 

Love is….

So that thing that has always been elusive to me has become crystal clear in my mind and in my spirit.  Love is knowing that Jesus loves us with all of our faults, all of our ugly past, our lumps and bumps and bad decisions.  He has given definition to the word unconditional and has let us know that the two words…love and unconditional are indeed synonymous.  For in order for it to be true love it must be unconditional. And through His unconditional love for me I have learned to love myself. God cannot lie.  And this knowledge alone has freed me to love another human being.

Jesus loves us unconditionally and he will sustain us through many a mistake and bad decision and will always inhabit our praise. 
Love is…
Love is…
(c) 2009, Arizona Clay, Debi Mason, Tate Publishing LLC

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lift up holy hands. Prayer changes things!

A word in the midnight hour
A four a.m. toss
Flung from a deep sleep 
Tear stained cheeks
Prayer changes things!

Embarrassed and concerned
Worried and mired in unbelief
Cut down in mid-stride
What's the next call - the next letter
Who wants what, can't have, ain't got
Prayer changes things!

Burdens heavy 
Too heavy
Too complicated 
Too convoluted
Going through
Praising through
Prayer changes things!

Believing for a healing
Something just ain't right here
Prayer changes things!

Needing a renewal and a refreshing
A restored right mind, heart, spirit
Know that trouble don't last always
Prayer changes things!

Lift up those holy hands
Bend those painful knees
Break that stiffened back
Prayer changes things!

You're just climbing higher mountains  (Take somebody with you)
There is strength when you need it
And He comes when you call 

Prayer changes things!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Remembering the Darktown Strutters and those that came before us...

Alberta Hunter 1895 - 1984
Listening to Alberta Hunter...the majestic and legendary Alberta Hunter..."There's only one way to keep a good woman down.. You gotta put her on an island and make her water bound!"  Ha! Love that. I am looking at her performing at the Smithsonian at the age of 87.  Just as strong and as sexy as she can be.  I don't think there is anything else in this old world that keeps my soul light and cheerful more than to see older black women loving life and still being able to participate in it fully.  She talks about being independent and always doing that thing that she loves...making music and making somebody else smile. 

Life in the Third Chapter is a marvelous thing.  Being decisive and sure.  To know what is acceptable and what is truly unacceptable and not being afraid to say so.  Being clear of thought and understanding just how blessed I am  to have reached this wondrous age.  No longer am I swayed by the opinions of others but knowing without a doubt what truly works for me....from the way I praise, to the way I tie my shoes.  Don't ask me when it was but somehow I woke up one day immune to criticism.

Sing on, Alberta, sing on!  Do that thing that God has gifted you to do.  Somebody needs to know that life does get better as you get older. Love the way the body moves now or doesn't move on a cold morning depending.  Clap those hands to that jazz funk, low-down gut-bucket blues.  Do people still snap their fingers to a good beat?  Well, I sure do.  Reminds me that I am still a woman and I am still living.  

The history of a nation in that furrowed brow.  How folks managed to make it in spite of.  Darktown Strutters strut on.  Keep telling the story that I don't want to ever forget. Keep reminding us how good it is to be who it is that we are.   Black and proud and beautiful...