Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My country 'tis of thee...

The older I get the more patriotic I have become.  This is about all that has been fought for and all of the freedoms gained. This is about battles won against racism, bigotry, injustice, hate. The good fight that was fought from the time I was a little girl growing up in the sand and desert of Phoenix, Arizona. I know how hard it was for my parents to shield us from the prejudices and segregation of the 1950s and early 60s before this thing called civil rights became a reality. Those were tough times but our parents stood the course, did the right thing and fought that good fight so that I may enjoy this freedom today and write this blog post.

And those of us that are old enough to have marched and protested so that black men and women could vote, please rest assured that your tears over lives lost were not in vain. Lord, I was proud to stand in line to vote yesterday.  I have never felt more powerful and impowered.  These are feeling that have carried over into today the day after.  And because I am feeling this, I know that these feelings of strength will carry over into the rest of my days on this planet.  Thank you, Donald Trump!                                

With the outcome of this election one thing I know for sure is that I am not afraid.  I believe that the God of my salvation is protecting His people.  I vow to continue the struggle for freedom against the racism and injustice that is still very much alive and well in this country. I know without doubt that I am in HIS grip. I will take it to the streets, the internet including social media and in print and I will do whatever is necessary to keep our young people safe and out of harms way and I pray that what I do now will be the change felt by future generations..  I have no fear. I have no doubt. This is the right thing to do.  

We are living in the last days for sure. It is brother against brother, sister against sister.  We are a divided nation and "a house divided cannot stand". We are about to experience life on a whole nuther level and we have the choice to either go to bed and cover up our heads until this stink goes away or we can stand up and proclaim in the words of Langston Hughes..."I, too, am America..." 
God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding.
Job 37:5
WE are Americans first -- Barack Obama