Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Engagement Shawl by Scott Burdick

That Secret Place

We are not perfect.  No matter how hard we try to be the simple fact is we are just not perfect.  The bible says, “we all fall short of the glory of God”.  We all have issues, problems, phobias, mess and confusion and it matters not that we are baptized in Jesus name.  We simply are not perfect. We are but human.

Often we are so much in a hurry to accomplish great things for the Lord.  We are the champions of Kingdom building.  We go to school, we train, we prepare.  We suit up and show up for ministry opportunity after ministry opportunity.  We have our laptops and tablets fully charged and a cell phone surgically attached to our ear.  We are busy, busy, busy. We are ready to effect great things for the saints in our churches, on the streets of our neighborhoods, in our communities, cities and towns.  We are holding up the blood stained banner and we are convinced that we have the power to move mountains. After all is it not written that if He be for us who can be against us? We are equipped and we have put on the whole armor of God. All of it on the surface of our ‘outer’ man while our inner man suffers and cries and hurts.

We all have that secret place that nobody knows anything about. That place in the dark where we are naked and fully exposed. That place that holds all of our secrets.  Those secrets that come in many sizes, shapes and descriptions.  Secrets about our sexuality. Secrets about how you really feel about your messed up self. That secret place of loneliness, un-lovedness, unworthiness.  The secret place that holds all of the lies about ourselves that we have held on to for so long that we have begun to believe them as truth.
There in that secret place are blessings blocked and we remain in a state of fear that someone is going to find out the truth. That so called truth that really is the enemy whispering over and over that we really are not smart, we are not very attractive, we really are a mess up.  Whispers and jabber that repeats that we really are a failure and everything we touch comes to a lousy conclusion. No matter how much we hear it preached over the pulpit or how often words of encouragement come from our pastors, deacons, sisters and brothers in Christ or our family members we cannot fully grasp or receive it because of that secret place where we sit believing a malignant lie.

We were not saved because we are perfect.  We are saved today because of the simple fact that we are not perfect. We are but human.

©2013, Oakland, California, USA